Empowering Guatemalans for work and ministry.

Investing in life transformation through long term relationships

Ánimo! It’s the Spanish word for encouragement! People say it to each other as if to say, take heart! You can do this! We love the word because it describes exactly what we want to give the people we work with! Everyone needs someone who believes in them wholeheartedly. We’ve discovered that being a true friend can change someones life dramatically.

It all started with befriending a blind man named Victor.

We asked a simple question, “How can we help you?” Victor said, “I need new pants and some friends”. So we committed to being good friends to Victor and it changed everything!

Victor now can see, walk, and has his own bracelet business. Not only that he is running a half-way house for men in recovery from alcohol and drug abuse.

A need for a house of Encouragement

God continues to bring more people into our path that he wants us to help. The video to the right highlights the first 3 men who we committed to walk with through the ups and downs of recovery. Because of our commitment to help them we are providing them with a house to live in as they find work, and rebuild their lives. 3 Times a week Victor leads a Bible study/ worship service at the house to disciple and encourage our men.

The need was bigger than we ever imagined.

We continue this much needed work. More and more its becoming obvious there is a great need for men in Guatemala to be discipled and find their purpose in life beyond just going to work. We keep encountering more men who ask us to please help them get freedom from addiction. Its not an easy squeaky clean ministry. It gets messy but its in the messiness that God works most powerfully.